Got back from Home to a really Rude awakening. The TEST SERIES what else. Two days of random mugging, with two sleepless nights included, interspersed with 5 or 6 one hour bursts that seem like hell. Yes that happens to be my test series. I spent quite some time studying (really 6 hours straight is a lot) even though what is eventually going to happen is I go to the examination room and stare at the ceiling fans, the blackboard or my watch to see when this hour of torture is gonna end. In the middle if I have the oppurtunity, I do manage to look at the neighbours paper and in this way put some grace into my otherwise drab paper.

Talking of exams I have always wondered what it would be like to finish the paper early (completely) and then walk to the Teacher's table and fling the paper out to him/her confidently and walk out of the room with all the other's eyes following you. Must be a totally awesome feeling!!!

But sadly I have never ever got the oppurtunity. This is not because of the fact that I have a lot to write and can't finish but because I keep waiting on for the whole hour, hoping that I will get a peek into the neighbours paper at some point of time and I could make some additions to my own. And even though this dosen't happen often, I still continue the same routine in every exam with a lot of hope.

So here's hoping that I have only two more such miserable exams come my way....